Electric President
My first proper post on this new blog brings you Electric President. Definately not the smallest band I will be posting about; I'm sure the name will have passed many of you by without you paying any attention, but pay attention you must. The cheapest comparision that can be made with Electric President, is that they sound like The Postal Service; in fact they sound A LOT like The Postal Service. Personally though, for whatever reason I have listened to Electric President's self titled debut far more than I ever did to The Postal Service's debut, Give Up. I'm not saying it's a better album, most likely it isn't, but something about it has drawn me to it many a time over the past few weeks. Have a listen for yourself, Metal Fingers is my personal favourite; the lines "From the sky, the train tracks look like stitches/ Like they're holding the world together; like it'll blow any minute," seem more and more interesting to me every time I hear them.
Electric President (via Amazon)
Metal Fingers (via offical myspace)
Ten Thousand Lines (via official myspace)
Good Morning Hypocrite (via official site)