Monday, December 04, 2006


Efterklang are a Danish post-rock band that released their debut album, Tripper in 2004. Whilst that makes this post a little late, I feel they are a band worth writing about after a friend recomended them to me a few weeks back. The name 'Efterklang' translates directly into english as 'after-noise', but a looser translation could give you 'reverberation' or even 'rememberance', both names should start to give you an idea of the bands musical ideals.

Their sound fits in well with the plethora of post-rock and experimental bands that have been streaming out of iceland recently (despite themselves being from Copenhagen), combining glitch beats with violins, brass and some wonderfully laid back vocals. For me the vocals really make this band. The majority of the tracks have both a male and female vocalist singing together, or prehaps you could even say speaking in tune. In a way they are vocally similar to a band like My Bloody Valentine, but of course in a completely different musical context. Then as a polar opposite to this in everything but beauty they empolyed a Greenlandic choir for several of the tracks.

The album is consistantly good, one of those albums you can sit down, get absorbed in, and then stick on repeat.

Tripper (via Amazon)
Springer (via Amazon)

Monopolist (via Rumraket)
Step Aside (via Rumraket)
